Business Intelligence / Analytics, Reporting and Data Warehousing
In today’s Digital World, the SPEED at which Decisions can be made and Accuracy of these Decisions determine the success or failure of any Organisation. The more the Decisions are based on relevant Data, the greater the chance of arriving at faster and accurate Decisions. Business intelligence (BI) & Analytics Reporting help transform your Business Data into actionable resources that facilitate important decision making.
KUDOSiNDiA’s Intelligent, Interactive & User Friendly Dashboards and Reports, aid the CXOs in accessing valuable Enterprise Data in a very “Easy To Understand And Use” format thereby allowing them to reach Operational Decisions and at the same time convey these down the line. These customized reports play a critical role in developing dynamic business decisions & strategies.
Data in any Organization is growing at an unprecedented rate. Further, today’s data is no longer limited to Rows and Columns – in fact unstructured data is the norm! KUDOSiNDiA offers a Comprehensive Suite of Data Warehousing Services to help Enterprises successfully tackle the challenge of Voluminous Data, Inconsistent Data and Unstructured Data Formats.
Our company also caters to end-to-end solutions through effective networking comprising ISVs on one hand and OEMs like Oracle, Microsoft, Pentaho, JasperSoft and Ab Initio, Informatica, BiRT Technologies, etc. on the other.